How to send the website files to Node.JS AWS web server
Learn how to seamlessly transfer your website files to a Node.js AWS web server. This comprehensive guide covers everything from setting up your AWS environment to deploying your files using Node.js. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this tutorial will help you efficiently manage your web server and ensure your website runs smoothly on AWS.
Using Phoenix v1.18
Now that we should have completed all of the previous steps. We can now send the files in the pheonix-v1.9.0/build/* directory the our AWS lightsail web server running Nginx
Here is a tutorial for setting up AWS web server. You will need to off course choose Nginx instead of LAMP web server
Here is the command that I use to send the website files from my MacBook to my AWS Nginx web server:
sudo scp -ri ~/Desktop/LightsailDefaultKey-eu-west-2-new.pem ~/Documents/build-csx-2-new/* bitnami@
So sudo is running the program as root/admin privaliges.
scp is the program that we will be using to send the files to the server.
-ri is the parameters that we will be using. The'r' parameter is tellng the program that we will be sending multiple files at once to the server. The 'i' parameter is telling the scp program that we will be using a key file to authenticate ourselfs(instead of a password for eample)
The next part is saying where the key file is located. You will need to download your web server key file on your lightsail account
After that its saying what files we want to send. The * symbol indicates all= the files within that folder
bitnami will always be the user name and the ip address is the IP address of your Nginx web server. The :~/htdocs bit after the IP address, is locating where on the web server you would like your files to be placed. ~/ is shortcut for your home folder. htdocs is the folder where your website files will be served to the internet